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Our application procedure

Job application at Taylor Wessing

Vacature advocaat of notaris

#1 Your application

Your application is received by us, we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Selecteren van advocaat of notaris

#2 CV selection

Based on the documents you provide, the anonymous CV selection takes place.

Kennismaken met advocaat of notaris

#3 Acquaintance interview

We are curious about your motivation, goals and personality, and will also tell you more about the position, our vision, values and the career opportunities at Taylor Wessing.

tweede gesprek met advocaat of notaris

#4 Second interview

In some cases, an assessment and case study are part of the application procedure. You will of course be informed about this.

Aanbod doen aan advocaat of notaris

#5 Job offer!

Het overleggen van een Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag kan onderdeel uitmaken van de procedure. 

Don't be a stranger

Check out our available vacancies or send us an open application!